New shopper registration

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions of Engagement apply to all Mystery Shopping Assignments ("Assignments") which you undertake on behalf of GRS S.R.L. and its branches. Please read through them carefully before accepting them.

Your acceptance of an Assignment and/or your acceptance of these terms and conditions do not form a contract of employment between yourself and GRS S.R.L.

After you agree, a secured form will ask that you provide us with your contact information and shopper profile. After you have completed the form, you will be able to apply for Mystery Shopping visits.

By registering as Mystery Shopper, you indicate that you have read, understood and agree to follow the principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness, and confidentiality that are outlined in this agreement and further.

GRS S.R.L. is part of the MSPA association. As MSPA member, we must comply with the appropriate data protection, privacy, legal, social, tax and ethical issues applicable to each country in which we are conducting mystery shopping programmes. Click here for the MSPA Ethics Codes (in English).

For this reason, all our Mystery Shoppers are asked to read and agree with the following document: Code of Professional Guidelines and Ethics Agreement for SHOPPERS - Download pdf

Please do not register again if you have already submitted an application or already have an account.
If you have forgotten your Username or Password, please click here. You can always recover your username and password from emails we send you.

The terms and conditions may be revised by us from time to time at our discretion.





1. Terms of Engagement

1        The parties to this contract for services are GRS S.R.L. and the Mystery Shopper who register to the site/App. The Mystery Shopper may only use the site/App in accordance with this Contract for Services. By registering and using the site, the Shopper accepts, without limitation or qualification, this Contract for Services. If the Mystery Shopper does not agree to these terms and conditions, they should not register.

1.2     The Mystery Shopper will provide services to GRS S.R.L. by mutual agreement. Details of the project/assignment will be offered to the Mystery Shopper. GRS S.R.L. is under no obligation to offer Assignments to Mystery Shoppers. Equally Mystery Shoppers are under no obligation to accept an Assignment when it is offered. The Mystery Shopper is completely at liberty to either accept or reject any project/assignment.

1.3     Acceptance of an Assignment and/or acceptance of these terms and conditions do not form a contract of employment and suppose that the Shopper is allowed to carry out the Assignment conforming to the Labour Law that applies. The Mystery Shopper acknowledge and agree that the Assignment be be carried out in the capacity of an independent freelance.

1.4     The Mystery Shopper agrees to fully comply with the Brief and other instructions relating to an assignment and further agrees that in the event of a failure to do so to the extent that GRS S.R.L. is unable to submit the completed assessment to their Client, no fees or expenses will be paid. If any instruction is unclear, the Mystery Shopper has to contact GRS S.R.L. for clarification.

1.5     The Mystery Shopper agrees to carry out each Assignment within the dates specified. Once the Assignment has been accepted, the Mystery Shopper is responsible for informing GRS S.R.L. if there are any difficulties before, during or after the visit. In case of difficulties completing an Assignment once accepted, the Mystery Shopper shall contact GRS S.R.L. as matter of urgency as cancelled visits have to be rebooked on short notice in order to comply with the client's deadline.

1.6     The Mystery Shopper agrees to perform obligations with reasonable care and skill and to the best of their ability and will not do anything to damage GRS S.R.L. business reputation and interests. The Mystery Shopper is responsible for the visits and must comply with all applicable laws and take all appropriate safety measures. GRS S.R.L. will have no liability to any third parties for any claims arising out of conduct on a visit.

1.7     The Mystery Shopper agrees to complete all questionnaires fully, accurately and honestly, and to return the result of the assignments within the deadline specified in the briefing notes or 24 hours after the assignment has taken place, if no deadline is specified. GRS S.R.L. reserve the right to withhold payments for results returned outside these timescales.

1.8     The Mystery Shopper agrees fully to comply with the MSPA Shopper Code of Professional Standards ( and the MRS Code of Conduct.

1.9     The Mystery Shopper agrees that they may only register under his/her name once on the GRS S.R.L. platform, and that they must not register under a third party identity or have multiple accounts at any time. Any shopper suspected of fraudulent activity will have their account suspended until further notice.

1.10   The Mystery Shopper must not disclose their user name or password to any third party, nor allow any third party to undertake work under their account.

2. Confidentiality

2.1     The Mystery Shopper agrees that any assignment undertaken is completely confidential between them and GRS S.R.L. and they will not discuss details of the project with anyone.

2.2     The Mystery Shopper will not reveal to anyone that they are carrying out an assignment except any close family and friends who need to know, and even then they will not discuss the details of what they have to do and what they experienced.

2.3     The Mystery Shopper agrees that they will not accept any assignment where (as far as they are aware) they know personally anyone who works for the Client and there is no reason why any of the Client’s employees should know that they are a Mystery Shopper. If during the course of the assignment the Mystery Shopper comes across someone they know who is working for the Client but they cannot know they are a mystery shopper they will call their GRS S.R.L. contact for advice. If unable to make contact they will continue the assignment (unless the Brief specifically says otherwise) but will do their best to avoid assessing that person and will inform their GRS S.R.L. contact by email of the exact details.

2.4     The Mystery Shopper confirms they have no personal interest (such as a shareholding) in the Client organization.

2.5     All records, reports, pictures, recordings and other documents relating to GRS S.R.L. business are strictly private and confidential. The Mystery Shopper agrees not to disclose via any media, at any time, to any unauthorised person, any confidential information concerning the interests or business of GRS S.R.L., or any of our associated companies, or any of their clients or suppliers. This includes information about business plans, business information, technical information, current future and potential business opportunities strategies, commercial relations, research and development products, product formulae, processes, inventions, designs, discoveries or know-how and all intellectual property, sales statistics, marketing surveys and plans, data, results, software, member data, costs, profit or loss, prices and discount structures, details about clients, potential clients, suppliers, potential suppliers, or staff within the organisation.

2.6     The Mystery Shopper agree that the confidential information are used only for the purpose of conducting the Assignment and treat all confidential information as secret and confidential and shall not copy or disclose any such confidential information to anyone outside GRS S.R.L. and associated companies.

2.7     The Mystery Shopper also agree to keep such confidential information secure from theft and misuse by unauthorised persons and comply with any request to destroy or return any of the confidential information.

3. Payments and Reimbursements

3.1     The Mystery Shopper will be paid a fixed fee for each Assignment completed in accordance with the briefing instructions. The fee and amount for any additional expenses required by the Assignment will be notified in the briefing before to commencing the Assignment. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in GRS S.R.L. withholding payment for work completed.

3.2     Where required the Mystery Shopper will provide details of any reimbursable expenditure (on the assessment form or expense claim form as specified) together with any receipts within 5 days of submitting the completed assessment, and accepts that any claim submitted after 30 days from submitting the completed assessment will not be paid.

3.3     Fees and expenses due to Mystery Shoppers are paid on or about the 28th day of the month following completions of any Assignments via bank transfer. Payments might be delayed in case of bank details wrong, missing or not completed in the web platform.

3.4     Unless otherwise notified by GRS S.R.L., expenses will only be reimbursed upon receipt of satisfactorily completed expenses sheet and proof of purchase.

3.5     If GRS S.R.L. have reasonable cause to believe that the Mystery Shopper has not fully abided by all of these terms and conditions, including failure to return results of Assignments within the specified timescales, failure to conduct the Assignment as briefed, or any questionnaire completed by you contains misleading or false information, GRS S.R.L. reserve the right to withhold payment of the fee and reimbursements for the Assignment.

4. Termination

4.1     If either party fails to perform or otherwise breach any of its obligations under this agreement, the other party may terminate the agreement immediately upon written notice to the other party.

4.2     Either party may terminate this agreement at any time with or without cause or prejudice.

4.3     GRS S.R.L. may by notice in writing terminate this agreement immediately if you shall:

  1. be incompetent, guilty of gross misconduct and/or any serious persistent negligence in the provision of your services hereunder;
  2. fail to refuse after written notice to conduct an Assignment reasonably and properly required of you hereunder; and/or
  3. conduct yourself in a manner which in the reasonable opinion of GRS S.R.L., brings or likely to bring GRS S.R.L. into disrepute by association.

4.4     Upon termination of this agreement by either party, the Mystery Shopper must promptly deliver all materials and documents connected with any or all performed Assignments or otherwise provided or prepared in pursuance of this engagement to GRS S.R.L. within one week.

5. Privacy Policy

5.1     Any personal data collected from Mystery Shoppers will be stored on computers or otherwise. GRS S.R.L. is committed to protecting the security and privacy of that data conforming to GRDP regulations.

5.2     GRS S.R.L. may use email addresses or other personally identifiable information to contact Mystery Shoppers to notify them of assignment availability or to provide an email newsletter.

5.3     GRS S.R.L. will not sell, rent, lend or distribute personally identifiable information collected online.

6. Liability

6.1     The Mystery Shopper acknowledges liability for any damages including loss of business which may arise from deliberate falsification of reports.


Version 1.0 - 11/11/2019





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